วันจันทร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

page 305

    I don't agree with the author because I don't think there are only 2 categories. I think there is something in between. People have different ideas. there are more than yes or no. Some people may agree with a part of the idea, but not totally. The author said there are only 2 ideas which are theistic which believe in god, freewill, a soul, meaning, and bliss and naturalistic which was totally different. Naturalistic said there is no god, freewill, soul, meaning, or hope.
   Some people might agree with theistic and some might agree with naturalistic, and some might stay in the middle. Not meaning that they have no belief, but they are not totally agree with any of the idea. Since there is no right and wrong with ideas, people are free to choose what to believe. Some people might say that they believe in some of the theistic idea and some of the naturalistic idea. Still, people use their desire and reason to weight their belief. Believing different things doesn't mean they are wrong. People are different because we have different thinking and come from different culture. Also, we experience different things, so it is reasonable to have more than just a "yes" or "no". (:

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Materialism- Ramachandran

Materialism is a theory that said everything is physical(matter). Everything is a material object with no minds, souls, or spirit. The brain chemistry argument has the same idea with materialism since it said our brain is just an electrochemical system with no mind or soul. Ramachandran talked about Capgras syndrome, Phantom limb pain and Synesthesia and stated it as an example of the brain chemistry argument.

First he talked about Capgras syndrome, the person's brain was injured and they couldn't recognize people's faces, but they could recognize their voices. This support the brain chemistry argument. The reason why the person was not able to recognize people's faces was because part of the brain was injured. The chemical in the person's brain effected the memory and casue us to forget people's faces.

Phantom limb pain was about a person who faced a limb pain and was cured by looking at the mirror box to tricked the person's brain. The person's pain is removed by believing that the phantom is real and it is moving. This support the brain chemistry argument because it shows us that our pain can be removed from the brain being fooled.

Synesthesia showed us that people related number with color. Even just words like booba and kiki can cause us to think of  shapes. This support the brain chemistry argument because we recognize things just by the chemical reaction in our brain. It can relate a shape with a sound or a color.

วันอังคารที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

The Truman Show Free Will


It's a conversation between hippo and giraffe talking about The Truman Show and free will ((:

Agency Theory

Milgram Experiment

From Milgram's experiment, we can see that according to agency theory, a person who controled the shocking device has a freewill. Agency theory said that a free act is an act caused by an agent. The person who control the device was told to continue to shock another person in another room when the person answered wrong, and increase the voltage in every wrong answer. The person who controled the device was an agent according to agency theory. He could say that he did that because he was told to do, but actually he had a choice to do it or not. The one who command him was not actually involved, so it was his free will to do unethical thing.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Utilitarian and Cost-Benefit Analysis

     Different people would have different opinion on pleasure and pain. For Utilitarianism, I think they would say coming to school is good for you since it gives you a long-term benefit. You maybe suffer from finishing work on time and studying for quizes, tests, and exams, but at the end, you can go to a good university and get a good decent job. For the long-term happiness, I think Utilitarian would say it is worth it to come to school. You may encounter pain and tiredness, but in a long term, it benefits you.

     Utilitarianism would say that everything can be given value. They would calculate the exact cost for our tangible and intangible cost to compare the value pleasure and pain. For example, to see if you should come to school or not, utilitarian would have to value every costs (even friendship, tiredness, energy,etc) to be able to get the accurate answer. Still, everyone value things differently since we all have different interests, so it might be a disagreement in utilitarian.

Go to school - cost-benefit analysis

Tangible Costs
  • Transportation
  • Food/Lunch
  • Materials (ex. books, pencils, pen, etc.)
  • Uniform
  • Tuition Fee
Intangible Costs
  • Tiredness
  • Peer Pressure
  • Stress
  • Energy
  • Time
Tangible Costs
  • Salary and Good job
  • School certification
  • Transcript
Intangible Costs
  • Knowledge
  • Friendship
  • Memories
  • Learn to live and work with different people
  • Opportunities

วันอังคารที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

In the Face of Death Response

     From these 3 questions, I answered that it is wrong to kill the cabin boy and the coworker, but it is alright for Doctor Szwajger to kill her young patients. The result said it is not clear why I think killing young patients is right, but they said that from my answers to the cabin boy and the coworker is from my thinking that it is a selfish act.
     I think the result is right about my answers for cabin boy and the coworker. I believe killing people for your own benefit is wrong. The reason I think it is alright for the doctor to kill her young patient is that the patient would be killed by the Nazi afterward anyway. Therefore, I think it is better to get them to "sleep" in a more peaceful way. Also, those patients are not healthy at all. I think it would make them suffer more if I let the Nazi kill them. Killing someone is not morally right, but still, it is all based on people's different thinking and reason for their action.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Do Now #107

   There are always incomplete knowledge in our lives. Often, our beliefs are based on the old theory that may not be accurate. Even our solar system which has been long understanding that it composed of 9 planets changed 5 years ago after pluto was demoted from its planet.
   It has been found out some time this year that this belief is not accurate and that there is a new planet  named Tyche. Therefore, it is possible that our solar system may (again) has 9 planets. This is still however not proven and we shouldn't be certain that this theory is accurate. As some time in the future, we might develope a more powerful telescope and find new information about our solar system, and yet it might be possible that we are not alone in this solar system.

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Truman Show Discussion

     If i were Truman, I would definitely leave Seahaven and enter the new world. Everyone in the Seahaven didn't do things because they mean it. Even Truman's friend who he knew all his life and trust him the most was told what to say to Truman when he was really down. I wouldn't be able to go back to Seahaven knowing that everything is an act. Everyone is acting and that nobody is true to me. I would rather go to the new world where I know little about and explore new things than be in an act for 24 hours with people do things to you just because they were told to.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Truman Show

        In the movie, there were a lot of unusual things happened to Truman. The first thing I noticed was the rain that followed him around while he was on the beach. The second thing was the radio that suddenly talk about what he was doing and that people on the street suddenly stopped what were doing at the same time. The third thing was the background of the elevator that looked like it was on the set.

        If these situations happen to me, I think I would freak out. Defenitely, I would start to quesion what was going on with my life because these situations are really unusual.

        I think Truman would find out the truth and try to escape from the situation he's facing. I think he would stalk his fiends and his wife (like he did when she went to the hospital) and find out the truth.